Bed & Breakfast in Whitby

Browse these amazing Bed & Breakfast in Whitby and discover your perfect Yorkshire holiday today. Yorkshire Holidays is dedicated to providing amazing holidays across the beautiful Yorkshire county. Visit any listing for more details including bookings, tariffs, special offers and more!

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Why Whitby?

Whitby is the seaside resort of the North York Moors. Famous for its Captain Cook connections, Whitby Jet and Dracula, there is plenty to see and do. In the olden days Whitby played a big part in the whaling industry, now all that remains is the prominent landmark of a whale�s jaw bone, a tribute to the explorer William Scoresby. Whitby still relies on its fishing industry but is increasingly turning towards tourism.

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Horseshoe Hotel - EGTON

18th Century Hotel. Riverside beer gardens. On C to C walk

  • Postal Address | Yorkshire HolidaysEgton Bridge, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 1XE
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947 895 245
  • Address | Yorkshire Holidays12 Normanby Terrace, West Cliff, Whitby, North Yorks, YO21 3ES
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947 820 389
  • Address | Yorkshire HolidaysVillage Green Lealholm, Near Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 2AJ
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947 897 279
  • Address | Yorkshire Holidays26 Hinderwell Lane, Runswick Bay, Nr Whitby, North Yorkshire, TS13 5HR
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947840433
  • Address | Yorkshire Holidays9 John Street, West Cliff, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 3ET
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947 604021
  • Mobile | Yorkshire Holidays078557129773
  • Address | Yorkshire Holidays36 Bagdale, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 1QL
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947 600 326
  • Address | Yorkshire Holidays4 East Crescent, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 3HD
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947 603 842
  • Address | Yorkshire Holidays3 Church Square, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 3EG
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947 603 423
  • Mobile | Yorkshire Holidays07885650246
  • Address | Yorkshire Holidays1&2 Crescent Terrace, West Cliff, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 3EL
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947 604 012
  • Address | Yorkshire HolidaysLythe, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 3RT
  • Phone | Yorkshire Holidays01947 893 300
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